In the wake of yet another tragedy stemming from senseless gun violence, the nation finds itself grappling with a familiar mix of emotions - grief, anger, and a profound sense of loss. The recent incident has once again forced us to confront the harsh reality of lives cut short and the enduring pain felt by survivors. Jill and countless others are mourning the deaths of those affected by this senseless act, while also reflecting on the resilience and strength of those who have survived. As we navigate this difficult moment, it is imperative to come together as a community to support one another, to advocate for change, and to seek solace in the midst of tragedy. The impact of gun violence reverberates far beyond the immediate victims, leaving scars on families, communities, and the collective psyche of a nation. Let us honor the memory of those we have lost by working towards a future where such senseless violence is no longer a reality. Together, we can strive for a more peaceful and just society, where every life is valued and protected.